Wednesday, May 8, 2013


"I was lying on my bed, after took a shower. Suddenly, someone knocked on my door, I opened it. I thought it was my brother, but it wasn't. He was wearing red pajamas and white t-shirt exactly same as what I wore that night. He entered my room quickly, sited and looked at me while talking strange things. He looked like me, I can't move, I'm overwhelmed and then he vanished like a smoke."

Who are they? Where did they come from? How could someone be seen at two different locations at very same time? Are they ghost, illusion, or just a myth? Until now, this phenomenon remained a 'case unsolved'.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Exorcism of Emily Rose (Anneliese Michel Story)

Exorcism Depiction
There were many tales of unexplained possessions and most of them are unsolved, untouched or remained secret. Through the years, many are cautious to dig deeper of this paranormal phenomenon and leave it to those brave enough to face what they called "the curse of exorcism".

Is it true that a demon can penetrate and control human body to the extent that unexpected actions and harsh words will be exhibit? Or it was just a psychological disorder as science explained?

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Mystery of Number 13

Judas hanged himself after betrayal
There are 12 king Arthur’s knight, 12 major constellations, 12 apostles, 12 months but no one used 13. And if there will be, something strange will happen. But why?

We are told that 13 represents an omen and brings you nothing but bad luck  This includes the date “Friday the 13th”, 13th floor, “13 crew” and many more. Number 13 conveys a message to humanity and the message is a great mystery.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Mary Celeste ghost ship mystery

Mary Celeste
The world’s most famous riddles of the sea, she’s Mary Celeste. For many years of strange legends, her story became synonymous to mystery.

One day, a ship from nowhere was found drifting in the horizon of Atlantic Ocean; it was in good condition and no traces of destruction. But the problem is, there was nobody aboard.

“The Mary Celeste was a small merchant with the Benjamin Briggs (Captain) with his wife and baby daughter, plus seven sailors. They left port from Staten Island, New York in November of 1872, fully laden with cargo bound for Genoa, Italy. The cargo was 1,701 wooden barrels of pure grain alcohol, intended to fortify cheap Italian wines”.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The mysterious Jack the Ripper

Jack the Ripper
Jack the ripper was the first modern serial killer. Over ten weeks in the autumn of 1898 he murdered five women and the police couldn't catch him. Until now, the facts of the case were buried by conspiracy theory and myth. In short, the case of Jack the Ripper is unfinished business.

He was known to his inhuman killing, not only killing them, he's mutilating them and leaving their dead body publicly displayed. Provided by vague evidence, the vulnerability of the victims and the way they live were common.

The police of 1898 tried their best to hunt the Ripper, but because he was the first of his kind, the police had a hard time catching him.

Over the decades more than 200 suspects were being named and to hunt the Ripper has begun again. Dozens of solutions are being offered until no one conclusively proves who the Ripper was.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The most mysterious book ever

Voynich Manuscript - The most mysterious book
Voynich manuscript is the world's most mysterious book. It has unknown author, odd alphabet and brilliantly illustrated with puzzling images. Many questioned: who wrote this kind of book and why?

Best cryptographers of modern era failed to crack the codes and gave-up. Imagine, roughly 200 page manuscript strange symbols can be found on this book.

According to historians, at 20th century a man named Voynich visits Villa Mondragone to look for precious books .He inspect a trunk and saw an unusual book. Voynich buy and decipher it for the rest of his life but die without being close to the solution.

Monday, January 21, 2013

The lost empire of Atlantis found?

Atlantis - a virtual depiction
Have you ever heard about the sunken island of Atlantis? The legendary island that often associated with fairies, ancient technology mythical creatures and gods. According to Plato (Greek philosopher), its existence is real until one day it sank into the ocean "in a single day and night of misfortune".

As described, a very flat island that would not even register on sonar equipment. Its structure is rectangular shape and almost made up of blocks like a vast metropolis enclosed with a boundary. According to Plato, it's technology is far advance with beyond artistic and political approach.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Where is the Ark of Covenant?

Ark of the Covenant - an artist illustration
The Ark of the covenant was constructed to place the two tablets that contains the ten commandments. Many have been debated through the centuries about its real content. Some opinions were raised and according to them, there were two Arks created for two tablets and placed separately. It was made up of acacia wood and covered with gold. There were four gold rings attached on the bottom and two poles also made of gold. It's covering has attached sculpted Cherubs also made of pure gold.

According to the scripture, the Ark remained in the Solomon's temple until Babylonian empire destroyed it. After that time, its location was whereabouts unknown.

Some theories said that Babylonians took it. Others said that one of the final kings Josiah predicted the attacked of Babylonians and hide it proactively.

Marilyn Monroe's mysterious death

Marilyn Monroe
Mask of Beauty
Marilyn Monroe was once become one of the Hollywood's sought actress/icon. If we talk about beauty, she belongs to those who reign. There is a mathematical research that measure a human beauty based on calculated geometric patterns. Marilyn was the only woman that fits this mask and it can be co-incidence. This is another proof of her beauty is a great push to her success.

But her life comes to an end fifty years ago due to 'probable suicide'.

Marilyn was associated with John and Robert Kennedy (with whom she is believed to have had separate affairs with at the same time) and there was speculation that JFK was last person she have called before she die. Therefore investigators come up with the idea that she was murdered.

Bermuda triangle

Bermuda Triangle attack
The place you don't want to go or else you will experience how to disappear under unknown circumstance, yes the Bermuda Triangle also known as Devil's Triangle. It is said that many vessels and airplanes disappeared when they enter it's triangular area.

Some research and experiments were conducted to this mysterious phenomenon, and they believed that they have closed its case. This is because they pointing the reason to a possible human error or unfriendly weather.